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Introducing the Parade Marshals of 2019



grand marshal

Peetanacoot Nenakawekapo (Winnie Sunshine) is Anishinaabe of the Ojibwa Nation from the Wolf clan. She is a Two-Spirit person and a Trans woman from Skownan MB, residing in Winnipeg. She’s proud to have been at the first Winnipeg Gay Pride in 1987 discrimination caused some to attend Pride with a paper bag over their head for fear of judgement and consequence, but Peetanacoot chose to represent without a disguise. Since then Peetanacoot has been in countless marches, parades, rallies to support gays, Indigenous, and women’s rights to say invocations to offer solidarity and sings and drum. Peetanacoot volunteered her time visiting people living with HIV/AIDS in hospitals. Some had no family members to visit HIV patients and they were happy Peetanacoot visit them. At first Peetanacoot was scared of HIV patients but that didn’t stop her from spending time with PHAs. She likes to keep people company and share stories with humor. Also, she continues to visit family and friends and people living with HIV/AIDS who are in the hospital.

Peetanacoot has been living with HIV for over 28 years. She was inspired by her husband Gordon who passed away from HIV-related illness in 1999. Gordon encouraged Peetanacoot to be an active in community-based HIV education and prevention. She continues her work doing speaking about living with HIV. Peetanacoot has been involved in her Indigenous culture over 30 years. Winnie has been participating in and leading Sweat lodge ceremonies, Vision quests and is a Sun dancer. She is proud to have had 18 years dancing in Pow Wows, attending many Two Spirit gatherings was crowned International Two Spirit Princess in 2002 at 14th Annual International Two Spirit gathering. She encourages youth and supporters of Two Spirit people to be part of the gathering. Peetanacoot feels empowered by her community and empowers others by volunteering with people living with HIV for over 30 years. Locally, Peetanacoot is proud to be involved with numerous local and national Organizations. You might bump into Winnie at places like Nine Circles, Like That Drop in, and Aboriginal Health and Wellness Center. She is a Pipe carrier and a hand drum keeper. Humbly she is recognized as an Elder in the community. Award recipient of Grandmother’s 17th Annual Keeping the Fires Burning. She has adopted 5 daughters and a son who she’s very proud of. She was part of Vision Quest 2 living with HIV making a Medicine bundle. Trans Pulse committee as the Elder of the Research project. She welcomes others be part of the Sharing circles, Healing circles, Pipe ceremonies and feasts to honor all seasons, smudging, Indigenous singing and drumming just to name a few. Peetanacoot conducts Sweat lodge ceremonies welcomes everyone as long as they are accepting and respectful. Peetanacoot does things wholeheartedly and enjoys doing the ceremonies in a good way.



grand marshal

Janelle Campagne is an LGBTQ* activist. She is very proud to represent various communities such as the francophone community, the Métis people and women. Being the president of her GSA group at Collège Louis-Riel, she is a mentor for many younger students in her school community by being a productive leader, showing resilience towards difficulties and always uplifting everyone with her empowering spirit. Janelle has started various initiatives to educate people about diversity such as public speaking, working with non-profit organisations and being a band member in “Mishiwayitay”. She is passionate and dedicated to providing a voice for those who have words to say but are most of the time not heard.

Janelle Campagne est une activiste LGBTQ*. Elle est très fière de représenter plusieurs communautés comme la communauté francophone, la communauté métis et les femmes. Étant la présidente de son alliance LGBTQ* au Collège Louis-Riel, elle est une modèle pour plusieurs jeunes dans sa communauté scolaire car elle démontre plusieurs qualités de leadership, elle démontre de la résistance dans plusieurs situations difficiles et elle accueil toujours les gens avec son grand sourire. Janelle fait partie de plusieurs initiatives pour éduquer les gens sur la diversité en travaillant avec des organisations à buts non lucratifs, parlant à des divers publics et en s’engageant au groupe musicale “Mishiwayitay”. Elle est passionnée et dédier à donner une voix au groupes minoritaires qui ont beaucoup à dire mais qui ne se font pas entendre.APRIL 16, 2019/

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