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Express Yourself: MTYP Hosting Online Drama Workshop for Youth to Celebrate Pride Month

Kid holding pride flag outdoors

June is Pride Month and, to kickoff our celebrations, Manitoba Theatre for Young People (MTYP) is hosting free Creative Drama workshops dedicated to kids and youth ages 5-12.

Creative Drama Workshops

A fun and encouraging introduction to drama. This workshop empowers students’ imagination and self-expression through games, movement exercises and story theatre.


When: June 6, 10am
Location: Zoom

AGES 9 TO 12

When: June 6, 11am
Location: Zoom

About MTYP

Manitoba Theatre for Young People has been creating and presenting professional theatre productions for children and families at The Forks in Winnipeg since 1982. MTYP has grown to become one of the most respected professional theatre companies in Canada, for children or adults. The company also operates a Theatre School where over 1,500 children and teens learn the art and craft of theatre and related disciplines.

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