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2015 Pride Winnipeg Festival Theme Revealed!

Surrounded by records of LGBTTQ* history at the Manitoba Gay & Lesbian Archives, Pride Winnipeg revealed the 2015 Parade & Festival Theme to be ‘Evolution.’ The theme focuses on the evolution of human rights through education, with a primary focus on LGBTTQ*rights and freedoms.

The evolution of human rights is a reflection of the advancements made by society. Human rights and freedoms are vital to the LGBTTQ* community as they permit equal recognition and treatment, which enables continued progress.

As the home of the Canadian Museum for Human Rights (thus making Winnipeg the human rights capital of Canada), Pride Winnipeg has a duty to the LGBTTQ* community to realize the Festival as a celebration of our human rights achievements. Incorporated with the theme as a visual abstract are various colored tiles. These tiles are meant to be representative of the various documents and legislation pieces that form the collective understanding of human rights. The tiles also pay homage to the windows of the Canadian Museum for Human Rights.

The achievements of human rights are a direct result of the continuous education and understanding of the human condition. Education therefore becomes a link from ignorance to knowledge, denial to acceptance, and hate to love. It is for this reason that Pride Winnipeg held its Theme launch at the Manitoba Gay & Lesbian Archives on the grounds of the University of Manitoba.

Finally, within the word ‘evolution’ is the word ‘love.’ Love is fundamental within human rights. It is the recognition of compassion, understanding, and love for other human beings, combined with the acknowledgement of a responsibility to ensure protection and security, which human rights are born out of. Just as love is personal, so are human rights. Everyone is responsible for their own diversity, inclusion and acceptance evolution.

Pride Winnipeg’s objective for the 2015 Parade & Festival theme will be to establish a scholarship to a student seeking education at the post-secondary level whom has also made a contribution to the betterment of the LGBTTQ* community.

The 2015 Pride Winnipeg Festival will take place from June 5 – 14, 2015. During this time various community activities will be held across Winnipeg. The Pride Festival at The Forks takes place from June 13 – 14. Pride Day, the day of the Rally, Parade, Festival at The Forks and Closing Party, is June 14.

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